Thursday, September 2, 2010


As you've probably guessed my parents and I are home now.  They say we were out for 3 months and drove over 12,000 miles.  I don't care - whenever I am with my parents I am happy.

However, I am happy to be home.  I have my yard and I can hunt for 'possums and bark at the local logs. I can sleep in my special beds and eat from my regular dinner bowl.  I have more space to stretch out in front of the TV and more rooms to sniff.  I got to see my brother.  My parents are spending alot of time with me. 

Here are some pictures of me enjoying being home.

I am very happy to be home.  I sleep well.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Almost home

My parents say that we are almost home.  That's nice.  Tonight we are at a very nice campground where there is lots of grass to lay my tummy on.   Ummmm.  I also had a nice fire to sit by and a noisy beagle to listen to.

But before we came here my parents and I drove to a campground on a big lake - Erie? We took a ride out to a pointed white house.

I walked on the rocks on the shore and my parents took lots of pictures of me. I am very photogenic.

Well, aren't I?
I'm going to sleep.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm busy in Ohio

My parents have taken my Airstream in to have some work done on it somewhere in Ohio.  We were at the Airstream factory from Monday to Friday.

They have a very nice waiting room where I get to wait each day.  It is air conditioned and has a nice carpet for me to sit on.  My parents bring me water.

Many people who come to the waiting room compliment me on my good manners and my beauty.

I am also kept very busy greeting new people who come into the waiting room and protecting my parents from strange dogs who might attack them.  Here is a picture of me being busy in the waiting room.

Oops!  That must be the wrong picture.  It looks like I'm sleeping there.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Another way I help my parents

It's been very hot lately so my parents have been keeping me inside alot so I don't become a hot dog - haha.

Since I have no adventures to report, I thought I'd tell you a bit more about my daily routines and chores.

One very important thing I do is help my parents sleep!

When they go to bed at night my parents sleep better if I am in their bedroom in my bed.  I always to into bed with them and lay in my bed until I hear them making little bubbling noises.  Then I know that they are asleep and I can go to my own bed in my house.

I also help my father nap by laying on the bed with him.  My warm body and soothing sounds are so important to my father that he specifically invites me to nap with him whenever he lies down.  This is a picture of me helping my father sleep.

And I always manage to get to sleep at night!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cabela's - a horror story

Cabela's - see the sign and note it well.  No dog should EVER shop there, nor should they let their parents shop there.  I have a horror story to tell!

You know that I love to shop and am always welcomed in retail establishments, boh large and small.  Well, today, after waking me up at 3:30 in the morning and driving for several hours, my parents pulled up in the parking lot of this Cabela's store.  I thought - shopping, how exciting- and I eagerly walked in with my father.  Then the horror began - no dogs - they put me in a kennel!  a cage!  me!  Belle!

What could I do????  I curled myself up in a ball and tried to sleep.  Hours later my parents came to get me.  I was so disoriented.  All I wanted to do was leave this horrible place!

My parents tried to make it up to me - this horror!  They game me a piece of chicken and part of a bone.  We went for a ride in my truck.  I had a nice dinner and an excellent bully.  I walked by the shore of a body of water.  However, the pain of CABELA'S remains.  Do NOT shop there.

I hope I don't have nightmares when I go to sleep tonight!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


For the past few days my parents and I have just been traveling.

I have nothing against traveling.  I get to go in my truck.  I can look out the window...

and sometimes I fall asleep, lulled by the gentle rocking motion of the ride.

What I do object to, however, is how my parents toss me into the truck like and giant bag of dog food!

It disturbs my sleep just to think about it!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A nice day ends with a FIGHT!!!

My parents again took me to one of those national park places.  Two good things about them - they do have nice scenery and there are alot of people there who want to pet me.

After we got back, my mother and I rested outside in the shade - how relaxing!  Then I went and cleaned up the remains of the big dinner that my parents and their friends had eaten.

Then, while my mother and I were taking a short walk to end this delightful day I was brutally attacked by a large dark colored dog!  Well, you can just imagine what I did!  I broke free of my leash and went after that monster!  No one can attack me and my mother like that!  I snapped and growled - I feinted and attacked.  Finally someone pulled the evil animal away from me before I could avenge myself further.

My mother was so proud of me for rescuing her that she gave me a very large bully stick as a treat.

You can be sure I slept well that night!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Catching up

My parents and I spent two more days at the very nice body of water, and even though I didn't go back to the lovely place where they served food, I still had a nice relaxing time.

Then we went for a ride and I spent some time in a store letting people pet me while they were waiting to get their cars fixed. Petitng me is very relaxing.
Now today we went on a long and special ride into what my parents called a national park. Even getting out and looking at the scenery wasn't too bad.

I also got to bark at another buffalo.

But the most exciting thing was all those prairie dogs! Everywhere! All colors!  All looking delicious!  How I wished I coud go out and chase them!  But we just drove past.  I bet I'll dream about them tonight when I go to sleep!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sometimes I get upset - but one good day can make me feel better

Sometimes I get upset at my parents.  Well, doesn't everyone?

For the past few days they've just left me alone in my Airstream while they go out!  I've heard them say things like "State Fair - no dogs", "Mall - no dogs", "grocery store, laundry - no dogs".  I just sit and mope and wait for them to come home - OK - I sleep alot too.

But today we got up early and got in my truck and took a ride to someplace new.  It looks very nice.  I sat outside for a while and checked it out.

Then my parents took me for another ride!  This time we went to a place with water and an outside restaurant! 

I admired the lake to make my parents happy...

and then I waited patiently for my food to come out.  Of course I shared it with my parents!

After my dinner and my bully stick I took my parents for a walk around the campground.  Now I'm all sprawled out on the floor napping as I prepare to go to sleep after an excellent day.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Where have I been????

Have you missed me?  Well, I'm back and this is what I've been doing...

On the weekend we went to a place with a funny name - Saskatoon? -  and my parents took me on a special  outing while we were there.

First we went to an outdoor market where I got to sit in the shade with my father and be admired by passersby.

Then I took my parents for a long walk near a river. 

They got really excited about some boats on the water...

They insisted, so I took a look...

However, I much prefer sitting in the shade and protecting them from danger, like I am doing in this photo.

This is my true purpose in life. 

For the next two days we took some long rides in my truck.  It enabled me to catch up on my sleep.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The horror - the indignity - the BATH!

Today my parents did a horrible thing to me - they took me to a store and had me washed, moisturized, blown dry, ears cleaned, teeth cleaned, perfumed and tied up in a bandana.  What have I ever done to them!

The truth of the matter is that I charmed everybody there - got lots of treats, and did look and smell rather lovely after all.

See how pretty I look!  

However, it was a stressful day.  I need my beauty sleep. 

Friday, July 16, 2010


Today I barked at a big brown baby bison...

I am so funny I make myself laugh!

I also made a new friend today

I make friends everywhere I go.  It gives me lots to dream about when I go to sleep.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Two peaceful days..

The last two days have been very peaceful.

I went for a ride but I only had to get out and look at one lake...

Otherwise, I've been relaxing in the camper and sleeping on my parent's bed while they are out running around DOING things.  I think it is best that I conserve my energy.

And just now something special happened!  I got to go for a ride in my truck with my father.  You know how special it is for a girl to spend time with her father on a one-to-one basis.

I will go to sleep happy tonight.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I bark

Today my parents yelled at me for barking too much.

I am a dog.  I bark.

I hope the they won't be mad at me for too long.

I'll pretend to me asleep until they're not mad at me anymore.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I am NOT blown away

Last night my parents and I stayed in a very nice campground on a large lake. I liked it because there were many flowers for me to smell...

This is a flower.

However, there was a very strong wind blowing across the lake.  If I were a smaller dog I might have been blown away.  But thanks to the dog food fairy, I am well fed!

This is the lake.  You can't see the wind.

It was cold and I slept with my parents last night.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

THE mountain

My parents got very excited by a large mountain as we were traveling down the road today.  They made me get out and look at it.

OK, it is a very large mountain...

but even the thought of walking up it puts me to sleep.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I was feeling a little under the weather yesterday.  I didn't want to go for a waddle, I didn't want to bark, I didn't want to get out of my parent's bed - I was just no fun at all.  I think that my parents were worried about me.

Later I felt better but my parents made me take it easy.  Today I was better and they took me for a ride in my truck.  I have good parents.

I'm going to sleep so that I can be ready for tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

About the dog food fairy

Today was not a terribly interesting day in Alaska so I will give you some more information about the dog food fairy.

1.  The dog food fairy only comes to dogs with empty bladders.  My mother told me that.  I didn't know I had a bladder.

2.  My mother is NOT the dog food fairy (or Santa Claus like some people have said), because when I was walking my mother last night the dog food fairy came and brought me dinner.

Please let me know if you have any information about the dog food fairy.  I'd like to collect it all in one place.

I wonder what the dog food fairy has to say about sleep.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Great One...

Of course it's another post about me, Belle - but in this case the great one is what my parents say the name "Denali" means - and we have been at this national park for several days - some nice and some rainy.

Here I am with my Mom at the entrance to the park.

I'll just tell  and show you a few of the things I did.

I attended a ranger program.

I took a walk in the rain and wound up sitting in a bus shelter until it let up.  Nevertheless, my paws became very dirty.

Ugh! Dirty paws!

What was especially nice was that my parents had dinner with me every night we were at the park and then they let me sleep in their bed because it was cold.  I wonder if I can still sleep in their bed tonight.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I have a book

Maybe my parents aren't traitors after all.  They did bring me a nice book from the sled dog kennel.  It is called Sled Dogs.

Sometimes my father reads it to me and sometimes I read it on my own.

I think I look alot like the dog on the cover.  Don't you?

Do books sometimes put you to sleep as they do me?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


My parents came home today smelling of strange dogs! Traitors!

They said that they went to see some sled dogs at the park and that they could not bring me. They even showed me a picture of this sign they said they saw:

That certainly couldn't apply to ME!  Could it???  Have I been sleeping too much?  Am I out of touch?          

I am VERY helpful

Today we went to visit a tire store again.

After I took my mother for a walk, I came back and just laid down by the camper so no one could get near it. No one could get me away. My father told me I was a good dog (why not a great dog???)

When we got to our campground I found a nice place to lie down and enjoy the flora.........                           

But I did not go to sleep until I got inside!

Monday, June 28, 2010

I was wondering....

Do you dogs out there ever wonder what your parents do with your doodies?

I know that my parents always pick them up and tie them up in neat little plastic bags - sometimes blue - sometimes black.

Do they have a room full of them at home? Do they sell them to constipated dogs who are trying to convince their parents that they are really regular?

Do they throw them out???

Perhaps the answer will come to me when I am asleep.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Again I've been spending too much time alone in my camper.  It allows me to think too much.

While I'm glad that my parents are going out and having a good time, I can't help but be upset that so many places don't allow members of my species to visit.  Discrimination! 

I would start to rally and recruit other canines for an anti-discrimination group except that I don't like other canines and growl at them if they try to come anywhere near me.

I hope that I will spend more time with my parents tomorrow or maybe go for a ride in my truck.

Now I'll go to sleep.

Friday, June 25, 2010


I spent alot of time in car place waiting rooms and just sitting in my truck today.

I think my parents are having problems with my Airstream.

That makes me sad - and sleepy.  Well, everything makes me sleepy.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I am somewhere..

My parents and I have settled in for a few days in a place called Fairbanks. It is warm and sunny all day and all night. I like that.

On our trip up my parents stopped at a place that sold dog bones. This is me and my father at the dog bone store.

Then I took my mother for a walk by a very nice lake named Birch.

All these adventures will assure me a good night's sleep tonight - even if it is light all the time.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


My parents and I have been traveling again so I am not lonesome anymore.  See how happy I am.

I LOVE bouncing up and down over the frost heaves on the Alaska Highway!

My parents tell me that we are in Alaska.  I am looking forward to all the new smells  I'll smell and all the interesting places I can walk my parents.

But first I must get a good night's sleep.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I'm lonesome

My parents have been going out alot without me for the past two days. They bring me treats, but I still get lonesome.

Here is a picture of me stopping to smell the flowers, or maybe the scent of another dog.

I've also been sleeping alot.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Buffalo - no, not the city

Today I barked at several buffalo that were on the side of the highway.

Yesterday I chased a chipmunk.

All this has made me very tired.  I'm going to sleep.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My poses

My parents want to put together a bunch of pictures showing my different poses.

They have too much time on their hands.

However, this is my Sphinx pose, whatever a Sphinx is...

Will I dream of Sphinxes when I go to sleep?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dawson Creek

Today my parents and I arrived at a famous place called Dawson Creek.

Here is a picture of me and my family at an important road sign.

I look very short in this photo, don't I?

I'm going to sleep